The Purpose of this Blog

I started this blog to make my gym/cardio experiences more interesting and motivating. Each day that I visit the gym, I select an interesting person for "observation." I ultimately write an entry describing the dress and actions of the interesting person. I observe while using the treadmill (20-25 minutes), decide on the name and back story while on the elliptical. The writing happens while using the recumbent bike.

Friday, March 27, 2015


Henry, or as his friend call him J.R., adjusted his ball cap as he ambled into the gym. He handed over his key fob for scanning and flopped onward.

It had been many years ago that he got his nickname of J.R. and perhaps those many years ago he did resemble Larry Hagman's famous character.  He certainly did sport a wide brimmed Stetson back then. Now, he had turned it in for a ball cap. He used to cut quite a figure, now he was more like the Kool-aide Man who used to break through walls. Even when he was young and trim, he never was the fancy dresser that J.R. was with his suits and money. Today Henry found himself outfitted in his usual gym footwear, brown flip flops. One of the trainers had once told him they weren't safe shoes. What did that young man know about safe? He had worn these shoes for years and didn't plan on changing for some guy in a blue shirt who could be his grandson. He completed his workout gear with black Lycra shorts, an oversized orange t-shirt and a bright army green long sleeve coat with a hood. He must confess, it had been cooler this morning when he left home, although now the coat was a little too warm. Rather than remove it though he would do what the young trainers were always telling their clients - he would just "power through."

As he walked through the gym, he decided today would be a treadmill day. He had been thinking all morning about what he wanted to do today. Walking on a treadmill to nowhere seemed exactly right. Henry indiscriminately selected his treadmill, pulled his hat down over his eyes and hit start. Why bother with all the fancy controls - let's just go machine. 

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