The Purpose of this Blog

I started this blog to make my gym/cardio experiences more interesting and motivating. Each day that I visit the gym, I select an interesting person for "observation." I ultimately write an entry describing the dress and actions of the interesting person. I observe while using the treadmill (20-25 minutes), decide on the name and back story while on the elliptical. The writing happens while using the recumbent bike.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Barbara #2

It had been three weeks since Barbara had made the decision to talk to John. Three weeks ago, she had been lifting weights at the gym with her husband when it seemed like the weight of the world was crushing her more than the 150 pounds she was bench pressing. 

As they entered the gym today, John was in his ever present ex-baseball coach gear - from creased and aged baseball hat to white practice tennis shoes. Barbara decided to spice it up by selecting her black workout pants with a neon pink stripe to accompany her grey tank top. Her grey-streaked blonde hair was pulled back in her usual pearlized barrette. As she and John worked to complete their usual eXcITE workout, with John completing five reps of every machine in the gym, and she literally running after him from machine to machine, she thought about that conversation three weeks ago.

It seems like so much had happened since the end of March when her daughter had asked her to have to lunch.  Her daughter, Rachel, had always been independent. Rachel was in her early 30s. She had placed her career first and although she had dated, Rachel maintained that her career was her first priority. When Rachel had asked her to lunch Barbara figured that it must be related to something at work - perhaps the coveted promotion Rachel had been working on for the past year. Barbara could not have been more off-base.

After the appetizer, Rachel began weaving a story for Barbara. The more the story unfolded, the more Barbara felt as if she was having an out-of-body experience and viewing herself talking to Rachel from somewhere far away. Rachel started by telling her mother that she had always been unhappy with her career. Yes, she made a fantastic living in advertising but Rachel was just not happy doing the work. Then she went on to say she had been investigating wholistic living; she had used her vacation in March to travel to Arizona to stay at a wholistic leaning center. (Barbara had known she went on vacation to Arizona but the location of the trip had no been shared with her - now she knew why). Rachel went on to say she wanted to change her life.  As Barbara listened, Rachel detailed farming, canning, communal experiences and a tiny house that Rachel would build for herself. Barbara must confess - her first thought had been "CULT!" 

Barbara did give her daughter the benefit of the doubt though and researched the location Rachel mentioned. It did seem reputable. They did not require people to give up worldly possessions, or convert to some doctrine. A week after Rachel told her about her decision Barbara broke the news to John. Their highly successful, six-figure earning daughter wanted to go to Arizona to live on a wholistic farm. 

Thinking back, it was a lot to take-in. John had been in shock, and truth be told, still was in shock even today. It was only explanation for his behavior. Hopefully he would become more open to the idea since she was leaving in two days. This was not a reason to strain his relationship with Rachel. She would talk to him again tonight - see if she could make him understand it is about unconditional love.

Hopefully she can convince him to see Rachel off on her journey. She had just two days.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Patricia and Madeline #2

Patty and Maddy entered the gym in their virtually identical workout wear of plain white shirts, black Lycra shorts and white tennis shoes. The only deviation from each other was Patty's purple gym bag and Maddy's bright blue one. Although the sisters were not twins, recently it became even more difficult for people to tell them apart. 

Just last week, before going to Maddy's daughter's (Angela) house for dinner, Patty had decided to get a new summer/Easter haircut as it would be quite warm soon. Her young hair stylist had suggested a "new and fresher" look. In all her years, Patty had never given much thought to her hair making a difference in her age - she believed "You are only as old as you feel." The stylist seemed so excited, however, that Patty let her go ahead and "freshen" her look. Truth be told, Patty did kind of worry though when the stylist brought out the black electric hair clippers that she has seen barbers use. Her stylist reassured her and went about making Patty younger with each slip. 

For four days Patty could not have been happier with her new style. Her grey hair was shaved on the sides, with her natural curls arranged wildly on top of her head. She had gotten lots of compliments and well - she was feeling younger and more special whenever she went out. Unfortunately, it was four days into her new hairdo when Maddy decided she liked it too. Anyone with a younger sibling knows how this works- as the older you are not allowed to have anything to yourself - if the younger one wants it - they get it. 

Maddy had gone to Patty's stylist and a mere 45 minutes later, they were more "twin-ish" than they had been in years. This blatant act of sibling terrorism had bothered Patty for all of about 30 minutes when Maddy surprised her with her new look. To be honest, they had much bigger fish to fry when it comes to important things in life.

Although it seemed longer, only a week ago Angela (Maddy's daughter), had asked them to come over for a late Easter dinner - she had "important news" to share. Although they had tried in the three days before the dinner to guess Angela's news, nothing they had considered even came close to the bombshell Angela dropped that evening.

Patty and Maddy's family had always been devout Catholics. Their parents would take the girls to mass at least once a week, preferably twice. Maddy had carried on the tradition with her children, feeling expose to the church and its teaching were important for moral development. Patty was named as godmother to each of Maddy's children so she could also help in steering them in the right direction. Additionally, both sisters had tried to instill the same work ethic and sound judgement in her children that their parents had instilled in them. Patty and Maddy felt they had succeed - and then the dinner.

Angela's important news had been the topic of conversation for Patty and Maddy since that dinner.   Breakfast, lunch, dinner and the daily workouts had been consumed with questions and pondering. (Patty had even given up her upright bike to use the recumbent ones Maddy preferred.) Was Angela being reckless? Wasn't she too old to be even thinking about this? Wouldn't she need some money? Everyone needs some kind of income. Was this just a phase? What if she couldn't make it work - who would help her? Giving up everything for a dream and a man (and if it had always been a dream- why are they just not hearing of it)? Is it crazy to be moving across country to Colorado Springs in just two weeks?

No matter how much they debated the decision - they knew that Angela's mind was set. In just two weeks, Angela would be leaving to start her postulancy at the Carmelite Monastery of the Sacred Hearts.   

Wednesday, April 8, 2015


Barbara had met John when she was 28. He had been the baseball coach/instructor at the community college where she taught English. Their first meeting had not been love at first sight, in fact, she had gone to politely tell him to get his facts straight. She had gone to speak with him about what he had been telling the students in his sports course about the need for literature in their lives (he had said it had little value, she felt it completed the person). The meeting had gone as you might expect - not well. 

Now when they look at back at that first confrontational meeting they just laugh - it is one of those love in adversity stories.

That meeting was almost 30 years ago. It took almost three years of on and off courtship before they married. Now, they could not be happier with their life that included three children and most recently, one grandchild - little Marie.

As they did most mornings, Barbara and John went to the gym for their workout.  Neither dressed to impress, John in what he used to wear while coaching baseball and Barbara in black pants, t-shirt with her greying blonde pulled back in a barrette. The two had recently switched up their workout routine after reading about a new technique online. It was called the EXciTe method developed by Anthony Ramirez ( and they found it fun and beneficial. It involved doing 5 reps of virtually every machine in the gym. Of course the developer had also included push-ups in between every other machine. Barbara and John did not elect to include that in their workouts - too much up and down Barbara though. Instead, they chose to play a variation of "follow-the-leader" through the machines. John would start with one machine, do five reps and go to another. Barbara would immediately start her five reps and run the machine where he was working. Her goal was always to finish her five reps and get to the machine where he was working before he could finish. He would often try and thwart her by selecting machines across the room. She would not be deterred, even if it meant leaving her machine at almost a full run to get to his before he finished. She had gotten quite proficient at quick reps!

After completing their 25 machines for the day (ranging from arms to shoulders to back and legs) they would meet up in free weights for their final push of five different quick lifts. 

Although Barbara was able to complete the follow-the-leader without having to concentrate, the lifting was difficult. Something had been weighing on her mind for a few days. She would need to tell John what she and their daughter had discussed over the weekend. Maybe this evening over dinner the time will be right. Until then... Only one more lift to go!

Monday, April 6, 2015

Patricia and Madeline

Patricia and Madeline (or Patty and Maddy as they had been called since grade school) were often confused for twins. They were sisters, but they were born just 9 months apart and because of their birthdays it worked out that they started school together. Patty was older by 9 months and never let Maddy forget it whenever an argument arose. Luckily arguments became less and less as almost seventy years passed and their hair had greyed.

Each girl had gone their seperate ways after high school. Patty staying at home while Maddy married her high school sweetheart. Maddy and her husband started their family right away, having two children before she was 21. Patty on the other hand studied and became a nurse for a local clinic. 

All that had been many years in the past. Patty had retired over ten years ago from the clinic. She moved in with Maddy after her husband passed away in 2002. Now their lives centered around Maddy's four grandchildren, their volunteer work (Patty still volunteered at local clinics) and their trips to the gym.

When Maddy's son had suggested the sisters start visiting the gym - they both had scoffed, stating "they were too old for such foolishness!" Her son, however, would not deterred and brought them to work out with him over a year ago. Now Patty and Maddy enjoyed their almost daily trips to the gym. They each had bought a set of colorful weight gloves to protect their hands on the rough machines. They discovered if they did not understand a machine, often the most bulkiest of men were willing to help them figure them out. They developed quite a following now, waving and smiling at the tattoed weight lifters as they walked through the gym. 

They had agreed when they first started coming to the gym on their own that they would enjoy their workouts. They would always share a machine so they could talk (ok, gossip) while working out. After the machines, they would take the elevator upstairs to do a little cardio. This is where Patty and Maddy would split. Patty preferred the upright bike, while Maddy preferred the recumbent bike. Another 20 minutes and they would be done for today. 

They were both looking forward to going to dinner this evening - a late Easter dinner at Maddy's daughter's house. Her daughter had called on Saturday and said she had important news. The sisters had been debating about what it might be since receiving the call. Her daughter had never married and was "too old" for children so they debated about what the news could be.  Either way, they were looking forward to seeing her and spending time with family.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015


Looking good is feeling good Tony!

Today is another step on your journey!

Tony pumped himself up for today's workout session. He had specifically selected the fluorescent lime green and black workout set. He bemoaned the fact that he did not have fluorescent green Nikes to accompany his shirt and shorts. His fluorescent red and orange ones would have to suffice. As was his tradition, after entering the gym, he posed for a selfie infront of the mirror. This is why coordinating outfits that would look good in print were so important to his workout - these daily photos...

A little over a year ago Tony decided to make a change. He had always been in shape - choosing a job as a landscape designer had helped. He loved the uniqueness of every job he was hired to design. He loved being outside measuring, drawing and overseeing an overgrown or barren yard become something healthy and strong. 

He sighed as he remembered, it was about two months after his father died that he began to think of his body as an overgrown  plot. His father had been in shape, had worked outside all of his life. No one expected the heart attack, no one expected the complications. The doctor had sadly told his mother that his father's heart had simply not been strong enough.  Tony had not really understood when the doctor had said it - his father had worked until his death. How could he not have been strong enough? Tony finally came to understand that it was like the leggy overgrown shrubs he often advised cutting back or removing. Although they looked beautiful on the surface, the plant was lacking key support and would eventually die.  Tony had taken a look at himself and thought - am I like my dad? Am I more leggy than substantial? So Tony decided to make a change. He started coming to the gym to workout.

Here he was, over a year later. He was proud of his progress. He was not so buff that his arms could not rest at his sides, be he had significant tone and strength. When started, he had been watching others on the machines. He began to develop his own method for the weights. The more he used the method, the better he felt and the more results he noticed.

So six months in, he started to seriously track what he was doing. He started taking photos everyday and noting exactly how many of each reo and machine he was using. He had started talking to other people who were working out - sharing tips and what was working for him. Some of the guys started using his technique and were seeing results too. About a month ago, one of the men had suggested he start a website or write a book about his plan. 

He talked to his wife about this strange idea and she was completely supportive, so for over a month he had been taking photos and carefully documenting what he called Exhaustive X-Training or the EXciTe Method. This method involves doing over 25 machines in one 35 minute trip to the gym. In order to accomplish this, you only do five reps on each machine at a very high weight. In between every two machines - it is push-ups next to the machine. Tony had developed six different types of push-ups that could be rotated between the different machines. 

His technique had originally started becuase he didn't know what each machine accomplished and wanted to try them all. The results were an overall improvement in his tone. He had noticed his "leggy" status was gone after only three months of working on all of the machines.

Tony smiled at himself in the mirror, reminisicing. Workout first Tony, then website, then book. Within two years everyone will know your name!

Monday, March 30, 2015

Andrew #2

It had been a wake up call last week when Jenna had basically forced him out the door to the gym. It had only been two weeks away from the gym and his stamina had left him. It really couldn't just be the time off - it was probably all the hours of sleep he and Jenna had missed since Annie's birth. After his last limping experience at the gym, he had convinced Jenna to go on nightly walks with him. She could use the activity as much as he could. The evening strolls seemed to calm Annie down at least a little bit and she was often asleep by the time they returned home. Of course it didn't last very long. Whether it was the transfer to her crib or the five minutes of quiet after the transfer, Annie was awake and crying soon after our return. Jenna was beginning to get worried about Annie's almost constant crying whenever her eyes were open. Although she ate, played and went through diaper changes like any other baby, she cruised through the whole process. A few times, Andrew had walked into the baby's room to see both Annie and Jenna crying. It tore at his heart. Jenna wanted to take Annie to the pediatrician to be sure it really was the colic they had read about online but he had talked Jenna into waiting until the end of the week when he could go to the appointment with her.

Andrew felt guilty leaving Jenna this morning with a crying Annie in her arms. His paternity leave was up at work and he needed to go back. Jenna still had almost five months left since she had worked until she went into labor. That would be a funny story to share with Annie someday even though it was stressful at the time.  He also felt a little guilty about going to the gym today - there was lots to catch up on at the office. Since he had returned to work; however, he automatically returned to his routine that included a trip to the gym on his lunch hour. 

This time as he approached the stairs, they did not seem as high. He didn't sprint up them as in the past, but he  was not out of breath at the top either.  Those nightly walks had helped! 

After standing at the top of the stairs for a second in thought, Andrew picked a treadmill at the end of the row. Selecting a quick walking pace - but no incline (he wanted to make it through his 25 minutes) he started to walk. 

About ten minutes into his walk. Andrew was feeling good - he grew brave and upped the speed. He was feeling so good, he would jog a bit. He used to jog on the treadmill everyday at lunch, he was ready - it was feeling good - easy even. 32 seconds later - it wasn't.  Back to a walk. At least he had tried - if he tried it everyday he would be back to jogging in no time. He would come during lunch everyday this week - he would be jogging by Friday.

As he stepped off the treadmill and headed for stairs his phone binged. Surely the guys in his office, who had managed to survive for three weeks without him, could handle him being gone during his hour lunch break.

But it wasn't John and Mark - it was Jenna. He needed to hurry...

Sunday, March 29, 2015


Marcus strode into the gym at 10:35pm. He had hoped to avoid the crowds by selecting a later time on a Sunday but it appeared that everyone else has the same thought. 

At a height of 6'2" and dressed in a plain light green t-shirt, grey shorts, his new black Nikes and a black UT hat - he certainly did not dress to stand out. With his phone to his ear, he walked straight towards the locker room. He stared straight ahead as he quickly strode, not acknowledging anyone, listening intently to the person speaking to him on the phone.

"I can't do this without you. I need you. I need to hear your voice - you know that it calms me." Marcus said quietly in the locker room.

Marcus realized that he had remained in the locker room far longer than he probably should have. Anyone who had noted the time he went into the locker room probably thought he was taking a shower or even that something was wrong with him. They didn't send people in to check on you at this gym did they? He didn't want anyone to see his pain as he listened. Insteadof leaving though, he continued to speak to this woman on the phone.

"I just don't see why we can't work this out. Why does this have to be hard? Why are you leaving me alone? Don't leave me. I need you, do you want me to beg?"

After what seemed like a lifetime, Marcus left the locker room. He weaved his way to the leg press machine as he listened to the woman's seemingly reasonable voice on the phone. She was telling him that she shouldn't be talking to him. That he didn't need her. That he was better off without her. That he would be better off alone.

Without hanging up, he adjusted the weights and started pressing. She continued to speak and he began to relax a little. She had not hung up yet, there was hope she would remain with him, especially considering the present circumstances. He could not be abandoned now.

After one quick set, he moved to the tricep press. This was going to be tricky as he should use both hands to get the full benefit of the workout but he was not ready to hang up with this woman who calmed him so easily but wanted to leave him. 

She continued to try and end the call. He continued to plead in the most unmanly of ways.

He made it through two sets before she hung up. Leaving him. He did one more set then he could not stay here any longer. He was alone.

Marcus quickly gathered his thjngs and walked straight to the door - an anxious look on his face.

Once he made it to the car, he picked up the phone and dailed the number he knew by heart. She answered immediately.

"Dr. Andrews, not only did I make it into the gym. I actually did one more set after you hung up! I think I can really beat my fear! Thanks Dr. Andrews - you are a muscle worker! Same time tomorrow?"


As was their Sunday tradition Karen and her daughter headed to the gym for their weekly racquetball match. While her daughter favored more traditional gym wear for the game, Karen looked at the weekly match as a chance to be confused as a sister rather than a mother. Today she was dressed in her favorite Nike Move Your A purple T-shirt, short black ruffled tennis skirt and patriotic flag triangle scarf on her head. No one would call her ma'am today - it would be Miss!   The only give away to her potential "mom" status was the wrap she wore on her left calf (and the slight wrinkling of skin that she worked tirelessly to keep from worsening). Without the aforementioned wrap, she would be limping before she had even played five minutes. 

Her daughter loved to play racquetball. Karen enjoyed it too. She used to play in high school and college. Although he daughter often told her differently (probably during every game), she felt she had not lost any skill over the years. If a ball often went by her, it was so she didn't show her daughter up. Her daughter was just trash talking - she was sure of it.

Today would be a special day - Karen had been working secretly with a coach for four months to better her skills. He was coming to film the match and provide feedback on their serves and returns. Karen smiled when he arrived. The coach was Karen's height with dark skin and muscles that rippled even when he was sitting still. After greeting him and entering the court, her daughter called Karen a flirt. Karen kept count - her daughter called her a flirt 26 times during their session.

If only her daughter knew that she didn't need to flirt - this man was already hers.

Saturday, March 28, 2015


Every practice I can get makes a difference - at least that is what my coach espouses on a daily - ok sometimes hourly basis.  I will not let a single ball get past me today!

The petite young woman enters the gym, long dark hair pulled back in a pony at the back of her head.  She is dressed for serious athletic business in black tank top and black running shorts. Her pink oversized athletic bag swings heavily as she bounces through the gym heading for her favorite racquetball court. 

After setting down her bag inside the court, she begins to jump around in a Rocky Top of the Stairs Triumph pose with her arms up in the air. Although she finds this a silly habit, her coach has told her if she acts like a champion she will be a champion! Just a few more jumps and she is done with such foolishness. She had always thought he wouldn't know if she didn't "Rocky Jump" but it did make her feel more powerful and it was pretty much a habit now.

It wastTime to get down to business as she removes multiple items from her pink Mary Poppins bag - headphones, water bottle, towel, phone, three soccer balls (one which is more worn than the others - obviously her favorite). A quick stretch before beginning and a moment of quiet head bowed prayer. Her father would surely have been proud of her if he could see her now. He has always been proud of her accomplishments but she knew it had been hard for him to accept that he had produced a girl rather than a rough and tumble boy.  

No time for that now!

Today she was going to beat her juggling record - she would do at least 1500 without dropping. Then she would defend like her life depended on it. The racquetball court was a perfect place for defense drills since she did not have much time to read and respond to the ball. She had been getting progressively better and her reflexes had sharpened thanks to these racquetball court practice session. She may be one of the smallest keepers in the women's soccer league but the scouts from the Thorns were coming the end of April. 

She would be ready.

Friday, March 27, 2015


Henry, or as his friend call him J.R., adjusted his ball cap as he ambled into the gym. He handed over his key fob for scanning and flopped onward.

It had been many years ago that he got his nickname of J.R. and perhaps those many years ago he did resemble Larry Hagman's famous character.  He certainly did sport a wide brimmed Stetson back then. Now, he had turned it in for a ball cap. He used to cut quite a figure, now he was more like the Kool-aide Man who used to break through walls. Even when he was young and trim, he never was the fancy dresser that J.R. was with his suits and money. Today Henry found himself outfitted in his usual gym footwear, brown flip flops. One of the trainers had once told him they weren't safe shoes. What did that young man know about safe? He had worn these shoes for years and didn't plan on changing for some guy in a blue shirt who could be his grandson. He completed his workout gear with black Lycra shorts, an oversized orange t-shirt and a bright army green long sleeve coat with a hood. He must confess, it had been cooler this morning when he left home, although now the coat was a little too warm. Rather than remove it though he would do what the young trainers were always telling their clients - he would just "power through."

As he walked through the gym, he decided today would be a treadmill day. He had been thinking all morning about what he wanted to do today. Walking on a treadmill to nowhere seemed exactly right. Henry indiscriminately selected his treadmill, pulled his hat down over his eyes and hit start. Why bother with all the fancy controls - let's just go machine. 

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Andrew #1


I can't believe I am this tired. Taking two weeks off from the gym to be with Jenna and little Anna were certainly worth it. Now I am paying the price. Both of our parents told us that we were "pleasant" and "sweet" babies so we thought Anna would be the same. Needless to say, Anna has not slept for more than an hour at a time since her arrival on March 17. After the lunch feeding and diaper change, I think Jenna could sense I needed a short break and sent me off to the gym - my home away from home. I grabbed my keys and ran for the door. Now that I think about it, Jenna may have taken my haste the wrong way - but here I am, sauntering into my favorite gym.

After smiling at Veronica and handing over my key tag to enter, I felt like a surge of satisfaction. I was back. Two weeks was not really like a long time. What is two weeks? I could feel the adrenaline and familiarity as I decided to start with a little cardio warm-up before hitting the weights. To the stairs and the cardio zone!

Have they added more stairs in the past two weeks? How is it possible that climbing these stairs is winding me? I usually sprint up these stairs - should have taken the elevator?  Maybe I should I consider this for the trip down... After sizing up all of the machines, I am thinking a gentle bike ride. That is usually my cool down so it will be a great place to start.

30 minutes... resistance 5. Nice little cardio workout to get back in the swing.

Whew - five minutes? Sigh. My right leg is aching and sweat is pouring down my face. Great day to not bring a towel, but I wanted to leave quickly before Jenna realized what she had offered. Ok. I can do 20 minutes - little less resistance?. ...Sigh... Puff ... after consideration, 15 sounds more reasonable and then I can get back to Jenna. Yes, 15 minutes should be just fine!

 I hope no one notices me as I limp down the stairs. I need to start walking at home or something - maybe we could go for a family walk this evening.